Be curious! Discover the wonders of pure nature on Tryon's 120-acre land preserve! Hike the trails, climb a soaring oak, rest beneath a whispering white pine, picnic with the butterflies in the meadow. What you'll discover is an entire world of simple, serene pleasures. From vegetable gardening to birding, star-gazing to fishing, the opportunities to connect with nature are nearly limitless.

The houses of Tryon are staggered and delicately placed amongst the protected landscape, so you can watch it all unfold from your screen porch. The delicate master planning and unique architecture create unparalleled opportunities to live completely immersed within the surrounding natural community.

Tryon Farm Institute, an independent non-profit land trust, protects and maintains the open spaces of Tryon Farm. The Institute is protecting natural systems, restoring native prairies and meadows, and continuing the century-old year legacy of Tryon Farm agriculture by partnering with local sustainable farmers to grow hay and pasture horses and cattle. Through the Institute's outreach and education programming you have the opportunity to participate in these activities and learn to sustainably husband the land.