
  • Visit + explore the Farm
    Stop in! See for yourself. Chat with the neighbors. Come to an open house or a special event, or set up an appointment.

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  • Pick your spot
    This is the fun part! Work with our sales team to find a homesite that calls your name. Talk preliminary home design and budgets. Fall in love!

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  • Reserve your spot
    Found a homesite you like? Reserve it with a $5k deposit which holds it while you weigh your options:

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  • Buy-&-Hold (Option 1)
    Love a homesite, but not yet ready to build? Take time to dream. Purchase your building site now, and hold until you’re ready.

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  • Bring in your builder or architect
    Ready to get started? Work with your own design team to develop design plans for your dream home. Work with builders to get construction prices.

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  • Sign up + Get going!
    With either option, sign an agreement with us for the purchase of the site real estate. If building now, sign an agreement with the builder for the construction.

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  • Get financing
    Need assistance with financing? Through our partnerships with local lenders, we can help you arrange for construction and permanent financing.

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We are no longer constructing these houses but gladly will share the plans with your builder or architect.

The process starts with your first visit!
Whether you set up a private sales appointment, join us for a special event, or simply come out to walk the land, reserve some time to explore, wander, and wonder!

We fully appreciate that creating a new home is exciting, rewarding, and full of personal choices and discovery. Our team of design and building professionals will guide you through the entire process, from choosing a corner of the Farm to call home, designing the best house for your hat to hang in, and assisting you with financing and the real estate transaction as needed.

Project timelines
The sales, design and construction process can vary quite a bit depending on specific site and house choices, but generally speaking, buyers should expect the entire process to take 8-12 months. Our state-of-the-art prefab building process promises leaner construction schedules.

We welcome Realtors!
Real estate transactions can be handled by our Sales Team, and/or in association with your own agent or financial/legal representative. Commissions are available at beginning of construction for qualified brokers whose clients build with us or buy a building site. Ask us for details!

Contact Us:

1500 Tryon Road
Michigan City, Indiana 46360
maps + directions

sales + general information
visit our contact page